St. John Paul II Catholic School
Wellness Policy on Physical Activity and Nutrition
Philosophy: St. John Paul II Catholic School supports the health and well-being of the school’s students by
promoting nutrition and physical activity at all grade levels. Therefore, in accordance with the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act and the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, it is the policy of the school to:
Statement of Purpose: Provide students access to healthy foods and beverages; provide opportunities for
developmentally appropriate physical activity; and require that all meals served by the school corporation meet or exceed the federal nutritional guidelines issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. A Coordinated School Health Advisory Council will be formed and maintained to oversee these activities.
I. Coordinated School Health Advisory Council
St. John Paul II Catholic School will permit students, parents/guardians, teachers, food service professionals, health professionals and other interested community members in developing, implementing, monitoring and reviewing school-wide nutrition and physical activity policies.
A. Students and families shall be made aware of the School Wellness Policy by a statement in the handbook.
II. Nutrition Education and Promotion
Nutrition topics shall be integrated within the comprehensive health education curriculum and taught at every grade level (K-6) according to standards of the Indiana Department of Education.
A. Nutrition education and promotion will be provided as part of a Comprehensive Health Education Program.
1. Health education will be taught by a licensed education instructor.
2. Nutrition education will include lessons that cover topics such as how to read and use food labels, choosing healthy options and portion control.
III. Standards for USDA Child Nutrition Programs and School Meals
St. John Paul II Catholic School will provide and promote the National School Lunch Program to ensure that all students have access to healthy foods to support healthier choices and promote optimal learning.
A. School Meal Content
1. Meals served through the National School Lunch Program will:
• Be appealing and appetizing to children;
• Meet, at a minimum, the nutrition requirements established by the USDA for federally funded
• Contain 0 percent trans fats;
• Offer a variety of fruits and vegetables;
• 100% of the grains offered are whole grain-rich.
2. All cooked foods will be baked or steamed. Proper procurement procedures and preparation methods will be used to decrease excess fat, calorie and sodium levels in food.
3. Schools are encouraged to purchase or obtain fresh fruits and vegetables from local farmers when practical.
4. Students will have the opportunity to provide input on local, cultural and ethnic favorites.
5. The food services department shall provide periodic food promotions that will allow for taste testing of new healthier foods being introduced on the menu.
6. Special dietary needs of students will be considered when planning meals, according to the document
Accommodating Children with Special Dietary Needs in the School Nutrition Programs.
B. Mealtimes and Scheduling
1. Adequate time will be provided to students to eat lunch.
2. School meals will be served in clean and pleasant settings.
3. Students will have convenient access to hand-washing and sanitizing stations.
4. Potable (drinking) water must be readily available at all mealtimes.
5. Appropriate supervision will be provided in the cafeteria and rules for safe behavior shall be consistently
IV. Nutrition Standards for Competitive and Other Foods and Beverages
St. John Paul II Catholic School will provide and allow foods and beverages that support proper nutrition and promote healthy choices in vending machines and classroom celebrations.
A. Availability
1. A vending machine at an elementary school that dispenses food or beverage items may not be accessible to students.
2. Vending machines for school staff will not be accessible to students.
3. Food and beverages will not be sold in school stores.
4. Students and staff will have free, potable (drinking) water for consumption available in water fountains
throughout the school building.
B. Classroom Celebrations
1. Classroom celebrations will focus on activities (e.g., giving free time, extra recess, music and reading time) rather than on food.
2. Classroom celebrations that include food will be limited.
3. Schools shall inform parents/guardians of the classroom celebration guidelines.
C. Food as a Reward or Punishment
1. The use of food as a reward is limited.
2. School staff will not withhold food or drink at mealtimes as punishment.
V. Physical Activity and Physical Education
St. John Paul II Catholic School supports the health and well-being of students by promoting physical activity through physical education, recess and other physical activity breaks; after-school activities; Additionally, St. John Paul II Catholic School supports physical activity among elementary students by providing them with at least 20 of the recommended 60 minutes of physical activity per day.
A. Physical Education K-6
1. All students in grades K-6 will participate in physical education in order to meet the Physical Education
2. Physical education classes will have the same student/teacher ratio used in other classes.
3. The physical education program shall be provided adequate space and equipment to ensure quality physical education classes for students.
4. Physical education will be taught by a licensed education instructor.
B. Daily Recess and Physical Activity Breaks
1. Each elementary school shall provide daily physical activity in accordance with Indiana Code 20-30-5-7.5.
2. All elementary school students will have at least 1 period of active recess per day that is at least 20 minutes in length as recommended by the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE). This recess period will be outdoors when possible. If outdoor recess is not possible due to inclement weather, teachers will provide an indoor physical activity break in the classroom.
C. Physical Activity Opportunities After School
1. Schools will offer intramurals, clubs, interscholastic sports and voluntary activities to increase opportunities for physical activity after school, taking into account student interest and supervisor availability.
D. Walking and Bicycling to School
1. Where appropriate and safe, schools will allow walking and bicycling to school.
VI. Staff Wellness
St. John Paul II Catholic School supports the health and well-being of our staff by creating and promoting
policy environmental supports to provide physical activity and healthy eating opportunities.
A. Nutrition and Physical Activity
1. The school corporation will promote programs to increase knowledge of physical activity and healthy eating for faculty and staff.
2. The school corporation benefits department will work with local fitness centers to offer reduced membership fees.
3. The school will allow staff to use school facilities outside of school hours for activities such as group fitness classes, walking programs and individual use.
4. Staff will be encouraged to participate in community walking, bicycling or running events.
5. The School will promote breastfeeding by making reasonable efforts to provide a private location for
employees to express breast milk, in accordance with Indiana Code 22-2-14-2.
VII. Evaluation
St. John Paul II Catholic School is committed to enforcing the policies and guidelines included in this
document. Through implementation of the School Wellness Policy, the school will create an environment that supports opportunities for physical activity and healthy eating behaviors. To ensure continuing progress, the corporation will evaluate implementation efforts and their impact on students and staff.